Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lack of Support for the Remuneration of Creators Through Collective Licensing

On behalf of creators and publishers Access Copyright is deeply concerned by the extension of fair dealing to cover education and the introduction of numerous other exceptions in the Copyright Act which undermine the ability of creators and publishers to get paid for the use of their works.

"It is discouraging to creators and publishers to see that instead of encouraging the use of collective management the Government has chosen to restrict or remove existing uses from collective management in favour of exceptions that do not provide compensation to creators or copyright owners when their works are used," says Access Copyright's Executive Director, Maureen Cavan.

Collective licensing is an efficient system that provides users access to copyright protected works while ensuring that creators and rights holders are properly compensated for the use of their works.

"We will require several days to analyze the details of this new bill, but our initial reading leaves us deeply troubled." added Cavan.

Access Copyright, The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency, is a not-for-profit organization founded by Canadian creators and publishers to meet the needs of users of copyright protected works, while ensuring fair compensation for that use. Access Copyright represents nearly 9,000 Canadian writers and publishers. Access Copyright works with organizations in all sectors to help them operate legally by providing access to licences that allow for the legitimate use of published copyright protected materials. To learn more about copyright or Access Copyright visit us online at

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