Sunday, June 8, 2008

Copyright and the Public Domain

ALM's Law Journal Press, a leading publisher of books for legal professionals, has released "Copyright and the Public Domain" by Stephen Fishman. The book brings new clarity to the question of how works of authorship enter the public domain and what can be protected by copyright. A detailed table of contents, as well as ordering information on this and other Law Journal Press books, is available at

Fishman is the author of fifteen legal reference works, including three books on copyright law. His publications have won the American Library Association's Choice Award for Outstanding Academic Title and the Publishing Marketing Association's Benjamin Franklin Award. He is a graduate of the University of Southern California School of Law and a member of the California bar.

"Copyright and the Public Domain" provides in-depth coverage of the copyright regime, including copyright duration, expiration and renewal; the publication requirement and what it means; copyright forfeiture and abandonment; public domain elements within copyrighted works; copyrighting new uses of public domain material; restoration of copyrights to foreign works under GATT; non-copyright restrictions that may apply to some works in the public domain; and many other related subjects.

The book fills an important gap in legal literature. William F. Patry, senior copyright counsel of Google Inc. and author of a multi-volume copyright treatise, has praised Fishman's latest work as "richly insightful and readable," adding "there has never been such a comprehensive look at the public domain."

Law Journal Press offers more than 100 titles in print on a wide variety of topics for legal and business professionals.

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